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December Daring Defences 2002

GM Glenn Flear

English Defence





To download the December '02 Daring Defences games directly in PGN form click here: Download Games

I have received a great number of questions this month. To see my emailbag, and download the various answers and anlysis in PGN form, click here: emailbag

Remember to consult the Forum where you can add quick comments and replies to my (and others') analysis and comments. Asking questions there may get enhanced feedback!

The eight main games often have other recent important encounters in the notes so read them carefully!

English Defence

Game One features the English defence which looks OK for Black although the main game illustrates how things can go wrong.


In Game Two we continue our discussion of the sharp lines arising from the Benko 5 b6 e6. In the following Diagram

the question is how should Black handle his defence? Read the notes to the game and you'll find out!


Game 3 and game 4 feature anti-Leningrad systems, the first positional, the second anything but!

White successfully took the plunge with 7 Rxh5!

Some developments in the main line Leningrad in Game 5 and some Stonewall fun in Game 6 finish off a heavy month for the Dutch.


The rare St.George game in Game 7 was a bloodthirsty affair.

Black created interesting complications with 12...Rxf3 and was ultimately successful but it may not be quite correct.


In Game 8 Mestrovic has been in action again in the Nimzovich Defence. Although he was able to hold all three games featured within, the 5...e5 line doesn't quite solve Black's opening problems in the mainline Nimzovich.

The January Daring defences will concentrate on the Gruenfeld and should be out within a couple of weeks. So if you're mainly a Gruenfeld player, please be patient a little longer!

English Defence






Keep the questions rolling in, you may find an idea that I've missed!

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