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April '00 Update

The big question that you guys asked this month related to the ...b5 pawn sacrifice in the ...Qa5, Kb1 and h4 Yugoslav Attack variation (I'm hoping you all know what I'm talking about!).

Hence I've tried to put this topic to bed with extensive coverage over four games in the ending that Black reaches a pawn down.

New Games

Just five games for you this month, but you can rest assured that I've worked hard! In the recent Oakham International I had against IM Afek what could become a very theoretically important game in the 9 Bc4, …Qa5 Yugoslav Attack line where White goes it alone with his h-pawn. This introduced what has been described as a big 'TN'. Strictly speaking I'm not sure whether that this is true but you can read all about it in the extensive annotations in CW124 and an extremely lively grab bag. Note I've made an exception this month by answering here questions posed to 'The Week In Chess' about their account of this game.

Thanks for all of your mail by the way and I hope that the subscriber querying the 1989 Kudrin-Rachels encounter is satisfied with my answers. It's an old game, but still one of my favourites in the 6 g3 system. In fact g3 comes under the spotlight a lot as I provide a smooth recent win for Black and an equally smooth win for White, see CW122 and CW123. Don't ever accuse me of being biased!

This update is rounded off with a conclusion of the current standing of the Yugoslav Attack 'Karpov variation', sparked off by a star move devastatingly employed by a talented English junior- see Yeo-D'Costa.

New Games

Yugoslav 9 Bc4

Trapped Queen Ahoy! White players pay heed. The queen on h6 is dangerous but sometimes also vulnerable!

Who Needs Rooks? That was my sarcastic comment on an even more crazy than usual pieces versus pawns Dragon endgame.

6 g3

Losing to Win! Is a sacrifice a loss and does it therefore deserve to be victorious? Read on to see what I'm woffling on about!...

b-file action A straightforward example of why Black launches his b-pawn so early.

6 g3 at it's best! A smooth game by White with a bit of everything.

Well until next time.
