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What's New- September 2003

Hello everyone!

To download the September '03 Anti-Sicilian games directly in PGN form, click here: Download Games

Whats Hot?

The idea of a quick ...e7-e5 in the Closed Sicilian can be met by Nh3 as featured in the game Sidorenkov - Pushilin.

Boehm - Sarre features the same line and White triumphs with a clever pin.

The game Schlesinger - Siegler demonstrates how White can use his space advantage to good effect.

Star game of the month

The star game of the month is Handoko - Mihelich where Black tries out a move which has been mentioned recently on the bulletin board. The line is 2...Qa5 in the C3 Sicilian:

and White responds with a patient plan which appears to be a good idea.

Opening Survey: The Closed Sicilian [B23]

The Closed Sicilian featuring 2...e6 and ...d5 is examined this month.

Black admittedly does rather well so one should take note of the improvements if playing White!

The top level encounter Stripunsky - Gurevich examines the lines stemming from 3 g3 when Black replies 3...d5. A hard fought draw demonstrates chances for both sides.

Evchin - Kernazhitsky is equal for most of the game until White goes astray in the ending.

In the game Glinert - Raheb shows once again the perils of White trying too hard to win a level position.

In the next encounter, Glinert - Sandipan, White has a chance to improve but Black just wins easily.

Please keep sending your e-mails, or writing on the Forum, and I welcome games by subscribers.
