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What's New - February 2002

Welcome to the new look!

Ruslan Scherbakov

The Slow Slav


Please note that, in keeping with our new system based around eBooks and ChessPub.exe, we have decided to discontinue the JavaScript 'pop-up' games.

All this month's new games are easily downloaded in PGN format using ChessPub.exe: open ChessPub.exe, put the date on, say, 22nd March 2002, and then click on '1 d4 d5', over on the right. All these games should appear (and the new ChessPub Guides, too)!

You can also enter the specific ECO code, given below, if you are only interested in a particular opening. The updated eBooks can be found at the eBooks Download Page.

The February '02 '1 d4 d5' games can be downloaded directly in PGN form here: Download Games

The Slow Slav 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 Bf5 [D12]

Kramnik, V - Shirov, A/Astana 2001

The endgame, which arose straight from the opening, looks fairly solid for Black, but the pair of bishops probably gives White a slight edge as Black should be very careful about any opening of position.

Onischuk, A - Stripunsky, A/Philadelphia 2001

White treated the ending very ambitiously but Black was equal to the task, having found some interesting counter resources. Yet, his first mistake spoiled the whole defence...

Volkov, S - Luther, T/FIDE WCh KO, Moscow RUS (1.1) 2001

The plan with the e-pawn advance is White's main way to fight for the initiative, so Black should be careful in view of a possible opening-up of the position. Here a couple of wasteful moves on the Q-side left Black no chance for his king to escape from the center.

Onischuk, A - Volkov, S/Aeroflot Open, Moscow RUS 2002

Sergey Volkov introduced an interesting set-up. He stopped the coming e4-e5 by the most radical way - a piece sacrifice allowed him to eliminate White's powerful center and get the initiative, which brought him an excellent victory.

Tregubov,P Volkov,S Aeroflot Open, Moscow RUS 2002

Just the next day after his excellent win (against Onischuk) Sergey Volkov faced a new and fairly interesting idea of Pavel Tregubov. Here White first castled his king to the Q-side and only then occupied the center by a typical e-pawn advance. In the struggle Black did not cope with the problems but it looks like his defence could be improved.

The Slow Slav


Queen's Gambit Accepted [D20 to D29]

Vyzhmanavin, A - Meister, Y/Cheliabinsk-A 1990 [D20]

White has outplayed his opponent in a complex battle but failed to strike a final blow. A very interesting and instructive game, which gives a lot for better understanding of this line.

Postny,E - Van den Doel,E/Israel Open Championship 2001 [D20]

An exchange of the light-squared bishops is favourable for Black in this pawn structure but here he realised it a bit prematurely, although he later managed to hold balance with a little help from his opponent.

Volkov, S - Kharlov, A/RUS-Cup final 1999 [D20]

An interesting pawn sacrifice allowed White to get the initiative but it looks like Black just should not accept the gift to get acceptable play.

Ivanchuk, V - Ponomariov, R/FIDE WCh KO Final, Moscow RUS (7.2) 2002 [D20]

At first sight Black was completely okay - he completed his development, there were no weaknesses, the d5-square was under control. However, Black's position has one serious drawback - a lack of space for manoeuvring.

The Slow Slav