What's New- April '01
Hello! Welcome to the B80 to 89 April 2001 Najdorf/Scheveningen update.
Starting next month I'm gonna give the English attack it's own section. (check B90 to 99 for more this update.) Polgar-Svidler, APR01/18 saw Black get good play with a new approach 19...f6!?. Black neutralized White's attacking possibilities while opening up the position for Black's heavy pieces. Black eventually lost the thread and went down.
Even though it's a rapid game,when super GMs play we must take notice. Up Next... 3 Sozins. In Bauer-Kasparov, APR01/15 and Nijboer-Simultowe, APR01/17 we see 2 7...Nbd7's. In the first game Black achieved a nice position rapidly. In the latter game White took advantage of Black's lack of attention with the shot 19 Rf6! ending matters. Nevertheless Black had good resources.
Zufic-Kozul, APR01/19 saw 7...h6!? as a good way of dodging the Perenyi piece sac.
We finish up with Bluvshtein-Krush, APR01/16 a Velimirovic attack. I've never had a lot of confidence in White's mating attack. Black achieved a winning position before falling apart.
Good Luck All!!
Our Najdorf Variation B90 to 99 April 2001 update starts off with our usual English attack look.
This month we have two (remember to check B80 to B89 as well) In Grischuk-Polgar, APR01/20 we see White continue his impressive run of results with 6 f3. Black's Ns stumbled around clumsily, but even so she missed a good chance with 18...Nc5!.
In Bologan-Moreno, APR01/22 Black didn't arrange ...d5 in a proper fashion and when down horribly. The move 15 Nce2 (avoiding 15...Rxc3) forces Black into central play. It's very hard to attack White's setup so playing for the central hit is basically only!
Peter Leko has been trying to revive 6 Bg5 and while reaching interesting positions has only some draws to show for his troubles. In this game, APR01/21, Shirov gets business on the b-file keeping balanced play.
The April 2001 B60 to B69 Richter-Rauser update sees a mixed bag of stuff.
Let's start with Zelcic vs Rauser expert Kozul, APR01/12. The surprise Qd3 led to a rapid victory. This move appears underrated and worth a try every now and then. If 7...a6 doesn't appeal then 7...Be7 is an alternative.
Next up Breder-Kozul, APR01/13 how many games has Black won like this? 13...Ra7!? is supposed to be dubious, but Rauser hero Kozul presses on! White's Q and B get tangled up while Black tears up the dark squares. If White doesn't breakdown the f7-e6 complex Black is fine.
Socko-Blehm, APR01/11 was a real battle in an f3-line. Black got some nice chances, but White had alternatives. From Black's point of view these lines still worry me.
Last, but not least, Jamrich-Dembo, APR01/14. Another line where Black is struggling. If Black doesn't get some central hit or harass the Nb3 with ...a5 he'll suffer.
Good Chess!
Sveshnikov/ Kalashnikov
Greetings to all! The April 2001 B32 to B33 Sveshnikov/Kalashnikov update sees 4 interesting Svesh's.
We'll start off with Blehm-Cyborowski, APR01/02 where Black played mainline theory vs the positional line. This in the line I favor for Black.
Suba-Rodriguez Vinueza, APR01/04 in contrast is a line that in my opinion should be thrown in the dumpster. With correct play White keeps a grip on d5 with the Bh6 spectating the entire time.
Rapid games played by the super GMs are always worth a look. Anand-Topalov, APR01/01 sees Black get dynamic play in return for some weak light squares. A typical Sveshnikov mess! (but OK for Black).
We finish up with Ivanchuk-Leko, APR01/03. I've always thought this set-up to give White nothing. Black's dark-squared B takes the central e5 post with very good chances.
Paulsen/ Taimanov
Hello Everyone! Welcome to the B40 to 49 April Taimanov/Paulsen-Kan update.
Let's start off with Kasparov-Grischuk, APR01/05, the game follows the same route as last month. This time Black improves reaching a playable position. White's choice avoids the very drawish 6 Ndb5 Bb4 7 a3.
Kasparov-Lautier, APR01/06 is becoming mainline theory. White's 18 e5!? leaves it up to Black to find some active play. 19...c4!? looks like the best try. Black's choice hands over the advantage.
We end with Kosteniuk-Landenbergue, APR01/07 where 11 Nc3 might give a space adavantage, but most ambitous is 11 c5! leading to complications.
Classical Sozin/ Two Knights
Hello and welcome to our B54 to 59 April update.
This section is mostly Benko system vs the Sozin, but we have one hybrid Keres' Attack. Usually this move order is played to avoid the mainlines where the Nf6 gets booted with g5. White should retain a space advantage if nothing else. In Kasparov-Svidler, APR01/10 Black managed to get his share of the play.
Now on to the two Benko systems. In Macieja-Blehm, APR01/08 I prefer 9...Ne5!? over 9...e6 or 9...Ng4. As an alternative to 12...Nc4, 12....Nc6 is possible while 12...Ng6 is terrible. Black's game looked OK with...Qc7 being another try over ...e5!?.
In the Benko system if White retreats his B to e2 Black should be fine. That's what happened in Roberts-Lewis, APR01/09. It's a Scheveningen with White playing Nb3 prematurely. One more thing before I go:
1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cd4 4 Nd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 d6 6 f4
I once got murdered from this position. 6...e6 or 6...e5 are not nearly as good as 6...g6!
After all does White play the Levenfish vs the Dragon anymore?
Adios and Good Luck to all!