What's New- August '03
Hello everyone! Welcome to my late August update. I hope all of my loyal supporters are well. We have a diverse group of variations to discuss. |
To download the August '03 Open Sicilian games directly in PGN form, just click here:
Lets start the ball rolling by discussing the Kalashnikov variation. I've received some emails asking what I have against it.
Sveshnikov/Kalashnikov Variation [B32-B33]
What bothers me is that Black's chances for active play are far less than in, say, the Sveshnikov. Both have the obvious positional weaknesses, but in the Svesh Black gets the bishop pair and all kinds of chances with the pawn structure and other unbalanced situations.
Having said all that lets start off with B32 Jobava - Kotanjian. White tried the positional 6 c4!?
preferring to pound away on Black's d6 pawn. Black shouldn't be much worse, but is at a loss for activity. Black's 18...Nd4?! was careless giving White chances to undermine the knight with a much better game.
Our second game Cerda - Plazaola in the B33 section sees 7 Nd5!? continue to confound Black.
Black got a disgusting position and White missed numerous wins. Black should be careful when ...e4 is played because most of the time it's in White's favor. I continue to think that the long line seen in Kovacevic-Espinoza and Leko-Kramnik (see the archives, or previous updates) is Black's best unless Black tries some 8...Ne7.
Paulsen/Taimanov [B40 to B49]
B48 Bauer - Skripcenko saw Black get the worst of matters due to 13...h6?!
which helps White greatly. Instead, the normal 13...d6 leads to the regular double-edged situations. Another question: 12...Rb8... did Black need it?
Classical Sozin/Two Knights [B56 to B59]
The B57 Benko System saw Zambrana - Franco Ocampos where Black equalized easily after 8 Bg5 Ne5 9 Bb5+ Bd7
It's a long-winded route to a Rossolimo (Bb5+ for those not in the know). After the exchange of light-squared bishops White has no hopes for an advantage.
Richter-Rauzer [B60 to B69]
B60 was Aguilar - Krush in what was my favorite variation years ago.
Irina has been playing the Black side of the Richter Rauser for a long time, but I believe her choice here was dubious. 6...Qb6?!, but Black could run into problems if White plays 7 Be3!.
Snatching the b2-pawn is asking for trouble. See the the game Yemelin-Jobava in the note where Black lost quickly.
7 Nb3 could transpose into a variety of lines. 10 g4!? is typical of this line getting the pawn storm rolling, but why play 11 Rg1?! instead of 11 Be3 Qc7 12 g5 saving time. Black can consider the 10...Nxg4 pawn snatch, but I'd decline it.
After 14...Nc5! Black is in good shape.
Scheveningen [B80 to B89]
Lets hop over to Apicella - Sokolov in the B80 English Attack section. I didn't like 18...Qa5, but the obvious 23...g6!? instead of the ridiculous 23...Bc3?? could survive according to Fritz. I prefer 17...a5!? which looks slow, but with White's king on c1 Black will gain time.
Najdorf [B90 to B99]
Last but not least is B86 Sokolov - Lautier. 7...Nbd7!? is still looking alright for Black:
We see more and more strong players giving it a run. Like I always say... White must play aggressively, but 8 Bg5 Nc5 9 f4 Be7 10 Qf3 Qc7 11 0-0-0 b5
is absolutely fine for Black. Some kind of Velimirovic-looking thing where White has done nothing on the kingside.
Hopefully the late September update will be out next week.
See everyone then! GM John F
PS Feel free to contact me at the Forum (above) or send stuff to my email at feddy@mindspring.com. I'll try to answer your questions as soon as possible. I've had problems replying when contacted through Chess Publishing at thefed@chesspublishing.com. Thanks! Fed.