What's New- February '03
Hello everyone! I hope this late update finds all my chess friends well. |
Lets look at some chess.
To download the February '03 Open Sicilian games directly in PGN form, just click here:
Sveshnikov/Kalashnikov Variation [B32-B33]
Our lone B32-B33 game was Anand - Radjabov where the young GM tried his hand at a Kalashnikov. It wasn't a good idea. What was 7...Nf6?! about?
The point of ...b5 is to temporarily strand the white knight on a3, and when White's knight returned to the center Black's position was passive for the duration, which White took advantage of nicely.
Paulsen/Taimanov [B40 to B49]
Next up is the B40-B49 Paulsen/Kan/Taimanov section.
My thinking at the present time is that playing the English Attack setup vs the Taimanov shouldn't be too dangerous for Black. Black has a number of tries that give good counterplay.
Leko - Vallejo Pons saw White win in nice grinding style. Was Black's opening play at fault? I don't think so. Black missed some good opportunities (including trading queens on g3) and was suffering in the ending.
In Kovchan - Bellaiche White looked to have promising attacking chances, but mistimed the g5 hit. After 16...h5!
breaking through wasn't easy.
Richter-Rauzer [B60 to B69]
Here is one of my personal favorites - the Richter Rauser in the B60 to B69 section.
The game Luther - Abergel saw Black get mangled horribly after allowing the routine Nxc6 followed by Ne2 to d4/f4 idea. Black as usual lacked active play, but tried the ...d5 hit. Unfortunately for him White unleashed a piece sac and Black's king was at the mercy of White's heavy pieces.
I think the f3 idea is losing momentum. Naiditsch - Acs from last month looks like the real deal.
I liked Michael Adams' treatment vs Stefansson. White transposed into a Rauser where the f5 idea is pretty clear-cut in order to undermine Black's f7-e5 complex. Maybe Black was better-off placing his light-squared bishop on d7 instead.
Scheveningen [B80 to B89]
We round up this months update with 2 English Attacks. In the B80 section Vasquez - Montalvan sees Black try a sharp, but dubious line.
Najdorf [B90 to B99]
6...e6 seems to have been replaced by 6...e5 in the chess popularity contest.
Kriventsov-J Shahade in the 6...e5 variation didn't workout very well for White. In this line White must take a more positional approach. The games I've included show better play from White's point of view. White's kingside demonstration amounted to a humongous waste of time!
Good Luck to all my chess friends around the globe.
I'll try not to be too late with the March update!
GM John Fedorowicz
If anybody has any questions please contact me at the Forum (above) or feddy@mindspring.com and I'll do my best to help out. I've had problems replying when contacted through Chess Publishing at thefed@chesspublishing.com.