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What's New- June '02

Hello all! Hope this update finds everyone well.



Download PGN of June '02 Open Sicilian games

Our June update sees some interesting stuff and some of the same aggravation. Lets begin with the aggravation part.

Richter-Rauzer [B60 to B69]

No good news for Black side of the Richter-Rauzer players once again. 9 f3 continues to pile up the points. We have 3 examples to examine:

In Chow-Elkins Black played some horrible inaccuracies en route to a devastating defeat. White wrapped things up in style with a nice combo.

Case #2... Korneev-Damaso where Black's Qa5 didn't impress White at all. Korneev carried on with the typical program and Damaso didn't stand a chance.

In Nemeth-Maximov Black won, but not due to any ingenious opening play. Once again White had much the better of matters.



Sveshnikov/Kalashnikov Variation [B32-B33]

Lets switch gears to Kasparov's positional masterpiece over Lautier in the Kalashnikov. Black opted for a Kings Indian defense (KID) setup, but with his queenside already punctured. White took full advantage of this with 21 a4! then rubbed it in with 23 Rc6!. If you compare this game with a similar KID you'll see that White is far ahead in time. Black was never near a serious attack. With Black's queenside looking extremely loose the nod in this variation goes to the positional 10 cd5 over the ultra sharp 10 ed5.

We finish up with some more good stuff.

With White having all kinds of problems finding ways to play for an advantage vs the Sveshnikov changes were needed. We see 7 Nd5!? make an appearance where White scores 2 wins.

Check out Iordachescu-Genocchio and Leko-Krasenkow where we see drastically different approaches.

Iordachescu won a pawn early on with his tricky queen maneuvers. It was very nice, but had a cheapo-like look to it. Black had chances to unravel the queenside without dumping material.

Leko-Krasenkow saw White put forth a nice positional effort. White's f3 aims to keep control of the central situation while playing on the queenside and focusing on d6. 13...Nd7!? looks better than 13...Bg5 then if 14 Kh1 Nc5 16 Bc2 is decent for Black.



If anybody has any questions please contact me at and I'll do my best to help out. I've had problems replying when contacted through Chess Publishing at

See you all in July... Till then Good Luck, GM John