What's New- October '01
Lets start off our B80 to 89 Scheveningen update with Shirov-Lutz, OCT01/02, which was a discussion of a mainline. Black looked fine then went astray falling victim to White's nice rook skewer. Shirov is a magician for sure! I've included J Polgar-Portisch, OCT01/03, for comparison. Shirov's 16 Rf3 is an improvement over 16 Qh3, but isn't a big deal. In this line with correct play Black has good chances to equalize.
Tseitlin-Efimenko, OCT01/01, sees Black reach easy equality with 6...e6 7 g4 d5!?. In the future I'm gonna try to show more of these main line Scheveningens.
See you all in November!
Welcome to the October 2001 Najdorf update.
I'd like to thank Michael Ridge for his email on an interesting Najdorf sideline. I've decided to devote this month to that particular line.
Let's start off with Hebden-Gormally, OCT01/04, where White might've retained a slight edge,but couldn't make headway against Black's d5 and a6 pawns.
I went digging and found some examples, Bauer-Stangl, OCT01/05, didn't impress as 13 c4?! looks like no picnic for White, but the second example Lendai-Ermenkov, OCT01/06, looks like a good try for White.
Offbeat variations might save studying time, but a line like Podesta-Szmetan, OCT01/07, has survived the test of time.
English Attack
Hello everyone!
Our October 2001 English Attack update sees a couple of interesting battles with new ideas.
In Hracek-K Georgiev, OCT01/08, Black mixes 7...h5 with 6...e6 and it looked alright. Usually Black has played ...h5 in the 6...e5 lines.
In Korneev-Garcia Cuenca, OCT01/09, White's move order looked normal, but packed a serious punch. Black didn't notice anything different when all of a sudden the f4 to f5 push was tough to deal with.
See you all in November!
Hello fellow Rauzer players!
This month's update sees some familiar faces. Lets start off with Jedrycka-Kozul, OCT01/10, which of course sees the familiar ...Ra7 idea. I didn't like Black's treatment at all. One thing I've tried to do is meet White's f5 push with a ...b4 push hitting the Nc3 then playing e5. It looked terrible to give White's N access to the d5 point and without a fight.
I've always avoided the variation seen in Svidler-Xu Jun, OCT01/11. I feel that White's pawn roller on the kside looks more effective than anything Black can muster on the other side.
Black's alternative idea runs into trouble in a game from a previous update Anand-Tissir, OCT01/13, where the Qe1 idea kept Black at bay. It's typical of sharp variations that feelings and assessments change.
We close with Shahade-Perelshteyn, OCT01/12, where Black's premature ...e5 put him into hot water.
Sveshnikov/ Kalashnikov
This month's B32 to 33 Pelikan/Sveshnikov/Kalishnikov update sees several players learning some hard lessons.
Korneev-Arizmendi Martinez, OCT01/14, followed the program. Please check the note to Black's 11th to see how I really feel!
Khalid-Tareq, OCT01/15, sees the end of the a4 lines against the Sveshnikov (Kalishnikov players would be wise to transpose) as 8...Bg4 equalizes on the spot.
Paulsen/ Taimanov
Greetings to all my chess friends around the world.
This months Paulsen-Kan/Taimanov update starts off with one Kan in the 5...Bc5 variation which I prefer over passive hedgehogs. In Ginzburg-R Garcia, OCT01/16, White tried 7 Qg4!? forcing the concession 7...g6. After Black naively played 12...Nf6?! White had 13 Bh6! which disrupts Black's development.
Our next 2 examples are Wang Pin-Stepovia Dianche, OCT01/17, and Ni Hua-Shaposhnikov, OCT01/18, in a very important Taimanov variation. From Black's point of view this line is worth a look. I prefer 12...h5!? over 12...Ne8, but both look solid enough.
Classical Sozin/ Two Knights
Our B54 to 59 October 2001 update sees our monthly Boleslavky/Sozin Benko System.
In Neiksans-Barber, OCT01/19, Black suffers again after the ...Nb8 to d7 regrouping. If you look at previous updates you'll see that I've been ranting and raving vs Black's idea.
The Benko system is seeing a shift in main lines... 7 Nb3, 7Nde2 and 7 Ndb5 are falling out of favor, and replaced by 7 Nxc6!?. Our first example Golubev-Kuznetov, OCT01/20, looked alright for Black. He managed to take the steam out of White's attack.
Dervishi-Lapiccerella, OCT01/21, was a different story. Black didn't take care of the Bb2 in proper fashion and paid with the full point. While lacking activity Black was fairly solid.
Good Chess to all!