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A lot of interesting opening ideas have started appearing at the World Cup in Tromso. For us spectators, the beauty of so much chess is that not only do we get to see top level ideas in the classical games, but also we can see all sorts of practical, tricky novelties that the players have saved up for the quicker tie-break games. Plenty of good stuff! However, there have been a lot of other high level tournaments around the place, including, of course, the 100th British Championships.

Download PGN of August '13 Anti-Sicilian games

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Grand Prix Attack 2 f4 d5 3 exd5 Nf6! [B21]

In the first game I've decided to discuss Ivanchuk - Giri in order to back up claims last month regarding 2.f4. The young Dutchman adds a fair whack of support to my argument that 3...Nf6! gives Black a very promising position indeed:

winning a fine technical game against the Ukrainian legend.

2.c3 Sicilian 2...d6 [B07]

Game 2 sees Gawain Jones pull out a rare 2.c3 for one of England's top players. His lower rated opponent chose the solid 2...d6 system, but Gawain managed to work up a nice attack in any case.

2.c3 Sicilian 2...Nf6, 6...d6 [B22]

From one talented Dutch junior (Giri) to another, Smerdon - Van Kampen sees Robin school me in my pet variation! I decided to repeat my line in the 8.Bb3 sacrifice with which I beat Sveshnikov, but Robin shows us the best way for Black to organise his defence. This game could be a real problem for 14.a4, and given that I'm not convinced about Pavasovic's 14.0-0-0, the whole 8.Bb3 system may be on shaky grounds at the moment thanks to 10...Bg4:

In Givon - Solodovnichenko, White tries the not-so-harmless 9.exd6 in the very popular 2...Nf6 variation with ...e6 and d6:

I've always been a 9.Qe2 man myself, but Givon shows that this alternative isn't just about dodging theory, but has a bit of bite to it as well. I show that with best play Black should be okay, but White is always playing for two results. Definitely worth a whirl once in a while!

Rossolimo Variation 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nd4 4 Bc4 g6 [B23]

I've shown Hou - Shirov, the first of our World Cup games, mainly to demonstrate why I think the 2.Nc3/3.Bb5 system is really quite toothless. Even if Black falls for the big 'trap' in this line, Black still can get out of it - and, in fact, I think Black's position is really quite good!

In the notes to this game I give some original analysis to show that 7...Nf6!? is even not as bad as it's supposed to be, provided Black's willing to sacrifice two or maybe even three pawns!

Rossolimo 3...Nf6 [B30]

It's always instructive to see a Rozentalis Anti, and here, in Game 6, we get to see the legend deal with the unusual 4...Ng4!? in the Rossolimo:

Watch and learn!

Moscow Variation 3...Nd7 [B51]

Rapport - Nepomniachtchi continues the 3.Bb5+ Nd7 discussion started in Carlsen-Anand and Laznicka-Zhigalko from previous months. Ian tries something a little different, obviously scared off by my ChessPub analysis, but it quickly backfires. Although the game was drawn, pay close attention to the notes to see how White could have achieved essentially a winning position as early as move 12.

Finally, Svidler - Ushenina from Tromso shows that Pete learned a thing or two from his game against Carlsen, as we see him on the white side of 3.Bb5+ Nd7 4.0-0 a6 5.Bd3!?:

In the analysis, you'll see that this line is rich in transpositional potential to the Breyer variation of the Spanish (!), usually with White having lost a tempo by missing h3. However, in this particular game Svidler actually ends up gaining a tempo on the Spanish equivalent, and uses it to good effect.

Till next month, happy Anti-ing! Dave

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