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What's New- June 2003

Hello everyone!

To download the June '03 Anti-Sicilian games directly in PGN form, click here: Download Games

Whats Hot?

In the forum section reader "Sebontheweb" wondered if a certain line in the Smith-Morra Gambit had ever been played?

The answer is yes and the first example is Sigurjonsson - Thorsteinn where Black triumphs.

Another victory for Black is examined in Spain - Froehlich.

White is back on top in the game Zelic - Genser where an expert player of the Morra shows the way forward.

Star game of the month

Star game of the month is Sivanandan - Konguval where White completely bemuses Black by playing 2 a3.

Opening Survey [B30]

The trendy anti-Sveshnikov line 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Nf6 and now 4 Bb5 is the subject of this month's opening survey.

Shirov - Van Wely is a sensational game with White demolishing an old line.

Another heavyweight encounter Anand - Leko results in another White win.

While Golubev - Guilbert is a marvellous attacking example with White winning after only 17 moves.

Some pride for Black is restored in the example Hansen - Andersson.

Please keep sending your e-mails, or writing on the Forum, and I welcome games by subscribers.
