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What's Hot- June '00

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Novelty of the Month??

The desire to do something a little bit different can surprise and amaze an opponent. In the novelty of the month White tries a relatively little played idea in the c3 Sicilian after 1 e4 c5 2 c3 Nf6 3 e5 Nd5 and now 4 g3.

Was this sense of adventure rewarded with an artistic example of positional chess? No, Black replied with a knockout blow and romped to victory after only 22 moves. The game Medak - Fercec reveals how Black should pounce on an inaccuracy by following a plan of castling queenside and starting a pawn storm on the kingside.

The English grandmaster Daniel King has written at length about his favoured Najdorf Sicilian so it should be no surprise that a recent opponent changed his normal open Sicilian to a Grand Prix Attack. The idea worked perfectly in Hall - King and in a main line King gives up after 28 moves.

White's simple looking plan of Qe1-h4 followed by a mating attack comes under scrutiny in the classic game Hennings - Nutko.

The theme of following a standard plan is explored in Mitkov - Stankovic where White successfully closes the centre before starting an onslaught on the kingside. The Grand Prix Attack currently looks like hot stuff!

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