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Welcome to the March Update

Download PGN of March '07 Anti-Sicilian games

Wing Gambit [B20]

In Game One we see Marusenko blasting away with 3 h4!?:

Quite a mix with 2 a3 there as well!

Grand Prix Attack [B21]

In Game Two L'Ami shows a good positional way to meet 2 f4, obtaining the two Bishops early. Black gets a strong initiative after 13...g5!:

Black initiates a typical plan for this variation, opening the g-file and hoping to expose g2.

Morra Gambit [B21]

In Game Three the Morra Gambit goes down to what I believe is a very challenging move-order. Black's novelty, 11...Qb6!?:

is thrown in for good measure.

C3 Sicilian [B22]

Game Four is a 2 c3 Sicilian where Pavasovic and Cebalo have a theoretical duel in the sharp line with 4...g6:

Overall, this should be a little better for White, but as you will see, the advantage he often gets can disappear the longer the game continues.

Game Five again features 2 c3 and this time 2...e6 3 d4 d5 is on show. Once again White seems to gain a slight advantage after 16 Bg3:

and once again he fails to win!

Rossolimo [B31]

The next two games feature the Rossolimo Variation with an early capture on c6, yet with two different styles of interpretation.

Choose between Akopian's method of castling long in Game Six and playing for f4 as White, which doesn't lead to much after 14...0-0-0:

although White actually won quickly.

Compare this with Yudasin's idea to castle short in Game Seven, which is deceptively dangerous in my view, see the position after 12 Ba3!.

Moscow Variation [B52]

The set is completed with an older game, but there is something of interest here for all Sicilian fans.

Here, in Game Eight, Black's last move is the combative, and risky, 9...Qxc2!? leading to obscure complications. Don't miss the amazing final position!

Well, that's it for now - see you in April! Andrew

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