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I was very gratified with the feedback on the last update, which focused on a definite subject, rather than range over many variations. So I've limited this edition to ECO codes B20 and B28 where I feel some particularly interesting chess is currently being played.

Download PGN of May '07 Anti-Sicilian games

Queenside Fianchetto [B22]

Our opening games take a snapshot of 2 b3 as it stands:

In Game One Tony Kosten pushes the boat out in a French Open tournament, hoping to avoid the main lines and win without hassle. After 14..Kb7:

he is well on the way to so doing, but there are a couple of twists.

In Game Two Krum Georgiev relies on the solid double fianchetto system, here is the position after 7 Nge2:

, but I am not 100% convinced.

Kingside Fianchetto [B20]

Then we move to systems involving g2-g3, but where White delays Nc3 which gives him more flexibility, but allows Black to play an early ...d5.

In Game Three Fedorov's 7 Be3! is strong:

In Game Four Movsesian tries the big clamp, but I show a good response for Black where 9...b5!:

works much better than Guseinov's 9...Rb8 in the game.

In Game Five Baklan plays a fearless two pawn gambit, see after 11 Qxc2!?:

I can only say that this is difficult for Black to handle over the board.

O'Kelly Variation [B28]

The final three games focus on the O'Kelly variation, which has been attracting some attention on the forum.

We go back to 2004 for Game Six, where I draw up some guidelines for use. Note Rowson's optimistic 11...g5 fighting for the central dark squares:

It is this spirit one has to cultivate to use the O Kelly on a regular basis.

Game Seven is a crush, or rather White crushes himself with 3 b4!?

Then Game Eight, which is a fascinating effort from Peter Sowray where he has Naiditsch on the ropes after the interesting gambit 5...e6!?:

Definitely worth a look!

Well, that's it for now - see you next month! Andrew

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