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What's New- November 2003

Hello everyone!

I have finally got around to updating my profile, and have included two more recent pics - subscribers of a nervous disposition please look away!

To download the November '03 Anti-Sicilian games directly in PGN form, click here: Download Games

Whats Hot?

The Grand Prix Attack [B23]

The Malaysian player Lim Yee Weng is currently taking a closer look at the Grand Prix Attack and wants to know more about the main line 1 e4 c5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 f4 g6 4 Nf3 Bg7 5 Bb5:

The game Degraeve - Djingarova is a good example of how White can attack with the French grandmaster playing very aggressively in the opening.

A hard fought example is Lappage - Wells, where playing Black the English grandmaster is slightly worse in the opening but manages to create some chances before agreeing to the draw.

The British championship is the scene for Taylor - Muir where White generates a fine attack and Black is routed after 26 moves.

Star game of the month

The star game of the month is Grabinsky - Sharevich, in which White tries the Wing Gambit 1 e4 c5 2 b4:

and ends up smiling after plenty of tactics ensures a stylish victory.

Opening Survey

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Bb5+ Bd7 4 Bxd7+ and now 4...Nxd7 [B52]

If anyone is playing the Open section of the NC State Championship watch out for reader Jonathan Munnell who has quickly improved in the last 14 months. He is keen to know more about this line he played recently:

Of course, first game is from our contributor and Munnell - Thompson sees White playing brightly in the opening before letting his advantage slip.

The right way to handle the opening is explored in Khachiyan - Novikov where White plays 5 c4 and creates a space advantage to fuel his attacking ambitions.

In Sarbok - De Firmian, the American grandmaster playing Black can make little progress against his lower rated opponent and ends up conceding a draw.

A little bit of pride is restored for Black in the game Barglowski - Miton where White plays carelessly in the middlegame and pays the ultimate price with a loss.

I welcome e-mails and games from subscribers, and you can always write on the Anti-Sicilians Forum.
