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What's New- October 2003

Hello everyone!

To download the October '03 Anti-Sicilian games directly in PGN form, click here: Download Games

Whats Hot?

The C3 Sicilian - 2...d5 with 6 Na3

Tiviakov - Arlandi is a great example of White using a small advantage to go a long way and win. His 10 Bf4 has hardly ever been played but that might change after this game.

Shaw - Hanley is a swashbuckling game with Black trying the obvious 6...a6 and finding it difficult to stop White from continuously improving his position.

Just before Black gives up, a timely reminder of how to handle a possible endgame is seen in Kaplan - Balogh where Black triumphs.

Star game of the month

The star game of the month is Peterson - Slovak, where White plays energetically in a main line of the Smith-Morra Gambit and manages to win in style

Opening Survey: The Rossolimo [B31]

A fashionable line in the Rossolimo is examined this month. The focus is on 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 and now Black plays 3...g6.

At the American championships Perelshteyn - Krush was a titanic clash ending in a hard fought draw.

The game Sandipan - Bu Xiangzhi shows that Black can play something different by employing an early...b6 to avoid the main lines. In this case White does well to hold the draw.

In the British Championships Howell - Shaw proved to be an upset with the English junior winning with White to help secure an IM norm. It is a chance to see how a future star handles the main line.

If Black is looking for something a bit different then Bologan - Komarov is worth checking out because Black prefers 7...c4 causing the star player with the White pieces plenty of problems and he ends up fighting for a draw.

Please keep sending your e-mails, or writing on the Forum, and I welcome games by subscribers.
