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Hi everyone, welcome to the September Anti-Sicilians! Autumn may be here in the Northern Hemisphere, but where I am it is Spring!

Download PGN of September '04 Anti-Sicilian games

Whats Hot?

The Grand Prix Attack [B23]

The Grand Prix Attack comes under scrutiny in three games starting with Gallego Martinez-Campos Moreno, where White plays the old line of 5 Bc4 and 6 f5:

This was big in the 1980s but the test of time has not been kind to the line and Black wins.

An improved version is seen in Lau - Kilgus where Black plays an early ...d6 and suddenly White's attack with Bc4 has more power.

Lutton - Cooper is an example of the modern approach in the Grand Prix with 1 e4 c5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 f4 g6 4 Nf3 Bg7 and now 5 Bb5. This game concentrates on 5...Nd4, when White replies 6 Bd3:

Star game of the month

The star game of the month is Fayard - Russo where after 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 e5 Black now plays 4...Ng4

leading to relatively new territory after just a handful of moves.

Opening Survey

The Closed Sicilian [B31]

1 e4 c5 2 Nc3 g6 3 g3 Bg7 4 Bg2 Nc6 5 d3 d6 6 f4 e5 7 Nh3 Nge7 8 0-0 0-0 9 f5 This line has been known to be good for White for some time but times have changed!

It might be time to cross out some sections in your old books after looking at the game Kislinsky - Yarmysty. Of course, it is analysed in depth and the important suggestion of the Dutch player De Lange demonstrates there is life in this variation for Black.

The c3 Sicilian [B22]

1 e4 c5 2 c3 d5 3 exd5 Qxd5 4 d4 Nc6 and now 5 dxc5:

In the game Stolz - Valet, Black plays the standard move 5...Qxd1+ and contests an ending where his active pieces are supposed to make up for the pawn deficit.

Slapikas - Carlsen sees the young prodigy defending the position with black pieces with the line 6 Kxd1 Bf5. He fails to put up much resistance in the opening but then fights like a tiger to secure a fortunate draw.

Schmittdiel - Bezler sees another bishop move by Black with 6...Bg4+ to facilitate queenside castling. Black does well but is always under pressure to create decent counterplay to make up for the material deficit.

I welcome e-mails and games from subscribers, and you can always write on the Anti-Sicilians Forum.
