Download PGN of April '06 Dragon Sicilian games
In this update I have:
Charlatan - patrickmihelich: An American college game played on the ICC and a potentially very big novelty. My thanks go to the strong Canadian GM Pascal Charbonneau for supplying me with this game, particularly as he was on the wrong end of an ingenious and possibly very important queen sacrifice that appears to cut through all that trendy Nd5 stuff in the Chinese Dragon!
Neikstans - Starostits: It's White's turn to come up with a new move, this time in the 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack with ...Qa5:
I am starting to see ...Qa5 picking up in popularity but although there are still questions to be answered, Black certainly copes with this one!
Then we have two 9 0-0-0 Nxd4 10 Bxd4 Be6 Yugoslav's:
in the form of Dolmatov - Halyavskiy and Baron Rodriguez-Parmar, both of which see some old ideas revisited
Heberla - Svetushkin scrutinises a new move in the Levenfish:
Kosten - Klinger sees an experienced Grandmaster demonstrating how NOT to handle the Accelerated Dragon!
Yours sincerely (if a bit sarcastically!)
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