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Air your questions or views by e-mailing Chris (subscribers only).

Frankly for me, this is the name of the game. In constructing this site, I didn't just want to provide a book in HTML format. Besides the fact that writing the Ultimate Comprehensive guide to the Sicilian Dragons would take me ages(!), I was more concerned about covering the topics that would be of particular interest to the reader. Hence this is where you come into it. Though by default I will of course be including new games and annotations with important developments, I am also prepared to discuss within this site questions/ideas on any Dragon related issues. I must stress though that while I am very keen on receiving your views, there is no guarantee that your specific problem will be dealt with here. I will however naturally keep 'on the boil' any interesting points until such a relevant opportunity comes for me to air them. Hence please be patient and remember though, that mail will not be dealt with on a personal level.
