Download PGN of August '06 Dragon Sicilian games
Anyway I'm sure that's just a blip and for this month we have:
Perciun - Slovineanu: What could have been a hyper-Accelerated Dragon turns into a Yugoslav type position but with Classical Dragon themes.
Confused? Don't hang around, check it out!
Jerkovic - Bukal: A Bc4 (rather than a Maroczy Bind) Accelerated Dragon:
White aims for a boring endgame and winds up suffering himself. I know that this is an opening site but the endgame here is rather amusing.
Tahiri - Niehaus: Some interesting thoughts but ultimately a disaster for Black in a sharp Levenfish variation:
Black should stand fine but pays the price for complacency.
Vyslouzil - Mankeyev: This is definitely a month for traps and mistakes and here we learn why White can't just expect to bash down the h-file in the 9 Bc4 Nd7 Yugoslav:
A theme well worth remembering.
Katov - Jianu: We investigate a new (for this site) position in the Chinese Dragon:
although if our previously uncovered new idea continues to hold up, this shouldn't be of much theoretical importance.
Edouard - Cebalo: It might not be that much fun for Black but strictly speaking this could be a be a big novelty against the prophylactic 10 Bb3 in the 9 Bc4 Yugoslav attack:
not that I particularly rate the early bishop retreat anyway.
Well I'm not planning on writing any more books for a while so I intend to dedicate some more time to Dragon study. I have been observing some intriguing movements in the ...Qa5 variation and as soon as I come across anything concrete, you will be the first to hear of it. Meanwhile don't forget to write in if you have any requests or points of general interest to make and that includes if you have done previously and think that I'm ignoring you because I have forgotten to reply. I never intentionally do-honest!
Oh well, bye for now, Chris
To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris (for subscribers only!)