Download PGN of August '08 Dragon Sicilian games
Pozo Vera-Alvarez Pedraza which sees the Dragadorf continuing its impressive record.
Kahn - Szalanczy introduces a new Black idea in the Yugoslav Attack involving both a swift ...Qa5 and ...h5 instead of castling:
Interesting stuff and a good win by a good player.
The Classical variation has crept into the equation recently and Roiz Baztan-Gonzalez Vidal sees arguably the critical variation of the Kh1 and f4 variation investigated:
It doesn't look great for White though, unlike Grabarczyk - Rudnicki which once more featuring long castles must definitely go down as a dangerous weapon. Casual Black play is most certainly not recommended!
Nukin - Georgescu sees us question not for the first time whether e4-e5 is really such a threat in the Levenfish variation, whilst Skage - Turner is the Accelerated Dragon representation. It kicks off with a Hyper-Accelerated move order but returns to a standard Accelerated line where the English GM employs an interesting positional exchange sacrifice:
Back real soon. Best wishes Chris
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