Download PGN of August '10 Dragon Sicilian games
In the 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack I bring you...
Fedorchuk - Dgebuadze which sees Black somewhat bizarrely accept an inferior endgame from the quiet Kb1 and Bg5 variation:
I'm certain that this isn't the way to play and I hope that the annotations will put Black player's minds at ease, well in that line at least!
Pavlovic - Roganovic is certainly more entertaining although ultimately it is still the endgame that is the focus in this ...Nxd4 with ...b5 line.
Gawain brings us a pure 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav encounter with 9...d5 and in Kislik - Husari White accepts the pawn and then the two rooks for the queen:
I think this demonstrates why this isn't a popular line amongst White players.
Hamdouchi - Konguvel is almost a 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav Attack only with the bishop on e2 and the pawn back on f2. Yes it's that trendy Classical line again this time featuring the new to the site 11 h4:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this line should be taken seriously.
Then we have Wei Yi-Wang Hao which is an Accelerated Dragadorf featuring Kudrin's favourite 9...h5:
And then to round things off we have:
Williams - Pert which is an Accelerated Dragon featuring the rare 9 Nd5:
Plenty of variations are given in the annotation of a very entertaining game.
Bye for now!
Chris and Gawain
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