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What's new in December 2003

Hi guys!

Sorry about the delay. I had a few problems which have been solved now and I've just got a bit of catching up to do. The good news is that I've got two tournaments planned so I might just get the odd Dragon myself over the next month or so.

The other good news is that this will have been worth the wait because there is a mega Grab Bag this month which I think answers all outstanding e-mails. If not, please re-submit anything as I'm always happy to take a look at any questions or subscriber ideas.

To download the December '03 Dragon Sicilian games directly in PGN form click here: Download Games

Three of the six games relate to the grab-bag then and are:

Aeria - Amodeo: A subscriber details a win against a higher rated opponent in what could become a critical ...Qa5 line (not that there's not enough of then flying around at the moment already!).

To be or not to be Kb1!

Boleslavsky - Geller: Answering questions about an old game which starts off as a Classical Sicilian, could be a g3 Dragon but in fact makes it to a 9 0-0-0 Bd7 Yugoslav Attack!

Needleman - Gatti: A genuine g3 Dragon as has been requested by a subscriber.

What's a move between friends?

Those aside we have the usual rough and tumble with a profitable update for Black:

Grigore - Golubev: Back to the Yugoslav with 9 0-0-0 d5. Rarely seen these days but again requested here. White grabs a pawn but then wins (or loses?) two rooks for a queen:

New (but not necessarily better) ideas in old theory.

Burriel - Alonso Moyano: This time 9 0-0-0 is met by 9...Nxd4 10 Bxd4 Be6:

and soon after White appears to aim for an inferior endgame!

Finally time for the Accelerated Dragon and:

Das - Chowdhury: A rare quick Black win as White stumbles into another of those ...b6 traps.

The January update will be with you in the not too distant future. Thanks for your patience and



To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris (for subscribers only!)