I have started upgrading the roadmaps (or 'ChessPub Guides', as you prefer) to make them more than just an index. Each time I annotate a game from now on I will update the related roadmap adding my comments and keeping them in line with latest developments.
Download PGN of December '06 Dragon Sicilian games
I have six games for you this month (integrated into the five associated roadmaps) and they are:
Macak - Beaumont and Minasian - Malakhov: I hadn't done any Accelerated Dragon games for a while and so I selected two Maroczy Bind encounters in the same early Nc2 variation:
Though it's not the sort of encounter that would typically be described as 'Dragonesque', that Malakhov game is a really instructive beauty.
Balogh - Bologan: Two more heavyweights doing battle, this time in a game that starts off with an Accelerated Dragon move order but turns into a 6 Bc4 (with Be3) standard Dragon:
I've never held this White variation in high regard and frankly if Black can win treating the system as he does, then I'm not likely to change my opinion in the near future!
Chadaev - Sjugirov: Finally a White attempt that appears to challenge the 'Dragadorf'. Mind you with action on both wings, it's still not very 'Yugoslav Attack like' and I'm not sure that it will catch on.
Jaenig - Gonag: 'Refined prophylaxis' and all that stuff! A very impressive game from Black's point of view but it could just be that White's g4 and h4 pairing is too slow!?:
Fedorchuk - Stocek: Two top guys but in this 9 0-0-0 Bd7 Yugoslav, I can't say that this new 11...h5 move appeals:
Still, a very impressive performance by White who attacks superbly with control.
I haven't visited the forum for a while but although I haven't received any e-mails direct recently I can now remember that I was going to look at a subscriber's analysis in something. I'm sorry that I haven't got around to it yet. I am however off to do the commentary at Hastings later in the month and will endeavour to locate what it was and then study it whilst there. In the meantime don't forget to send anything of interest to me and that aside take care you all!
Best wishes, Chris
To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris Ward@ChessPublishing.com (for subscribers only!)