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Feb 2000

Okay guys don't say I never give you any secrets as I publish here for the first time some of my views and analysis on the 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack ...Qa5 line involving 12 Kb1 and 13 Bg5. A rather wimpy looking system though lacking in practical outings, has nevertheless been touted as the new variation to put Black out of business. By all means draw your own conclusions, but you can read some of mine in a Jersey Open 2000 encounter and an earlier game of my own, see CW112 and CW111.

New Games

I'm glad the mail has kept coming and I've dedicated time this month to cover a query regarding an early f3. Specifically it was about 6 f3 (instead of 6 Be3) and I have discussed this in the early notes to an interesting 9 g4 Be6 10 Nxe6 fxe6 11 Bc4 d5!? tussle, see CW108.

For completion in that Yugoslav Attack section, CW109 takes a look at 11...Qc8 and I pass judgement over 9 g4 Be6 10 h4 d5! in CW110.

To add to the Accelerated Dragon list in CW113 I've included a game that starts off with 5 f3, Black in this instance allowing a Maroczy Bind only to break free of those shackles at an opportune moment.

New Games

And oh yes surprise surprise(!) I've had yet more enquires about yep you've guessed it! One soon to be (!) subscriber wrote;

"I am writing to ask if the rumour is true that a new edition to your hard copy book on the Dragon is about to be published?"

I feel honoured that so many people have taken an interest in it, but well I'm also intrigued as to who starts these rumours. I do understand though that several book distributors have been misinformed somewhere along the line. Regarding this topic, the truth then: Mulder and Scully is not out there. It's in here (!) and it is that the sequel has NOT been written yet, but it will be eventually and I would hazard a guess at publication around Xmas or early next year (but that is just a guess so please don't hold me to that).

New Games

Yugoslav 9 Bc4

What's all the fuss about? A first look at 12 Kb1 and 13 Bg5 introduces some allegedly ...Qa5 refutation material themes.

Fuss what fuss? A second look rounds off some coverage on the recently recommended Kb1 and Bg5 variation.

Yugoslav 9 g4

What's the point? So does White have anything to gain by an early f3. Your questions answered here.

Half - Open Files Black gets two in this Nxe6 encounter where White suffers just a little.

It's that ...d5 move again! So often the equaliser, here this thematic break leads to much bigger things.

5 f3

Accelerating to an Anti-Sicilian Or rather an Anti-Sicilian turning into an Accelerated Dragon. I didn't have to cover this 5 f3 line, but thought it might be helpful.

Okay until the March update, take care and keep those e-mails coming.

