Download PGN of February '05 Dragon Sicilian games
The games featured all relate to questions fromn subscribers and they are:
Jackson - Tan: Some interesting notes (and sub variations) in the critical line of 9 0-0-0 Nxd4 10 Bxd4:
Frei - Naundorf: Accelerated Dragon/ Classical stuff with this site's first visit to the ...Ng4xe3 tactics.
Cabanas Bravo-Semprun: An exciting Soltis variation,
supplied by a relatively new Dragon convert.
Esoteric - Kagatingen: Scrutinising an interesting, though arguably not incredibly relevant, queen sacrifice.
Anon - Wantolo: What to do when your opponent doesn't follow the main line of a main line(!) and assessing an endgame.
Anon - Donaldson: John Donaldson asks how to spice things up and John Watson summarises theory in this f4 line
I offer an opinion but more will follow!
Bye for now,
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