Download PGN of February '06 Dragon Sicilian games
Kicking off the action we have:
Sancheti - Ward: A trap that I recently discovered amazingly cropped up in a practical game.
Black to play and win! Okay in the overall scheme of things it might not be such a big deal but I thought it was interesting!
Afek - Arounopoulos: Congratulations to an enthusiastic forum contributor for his first win against an IM; this 'Karpov variation Classical variation', that 'in line', with the request I was more than happy to comment on.
Where should the knight go?
Then we have two 'Dragadorfs' and it is clear that plenty of strong players are jumping on this Najdorf/Dragon hybrid bandwagon:
Satyapragyou - Fedorov: A new White idea but not, I suspect a very good one!
Gingsburg - Schact: A rude awakening for the unprepared as any reasonably competent (and I'm sure that's all of you!) regular subscriber to this site could have taken this Grandmaster scalp.
And in the 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack we have:
Modiahki - Georgiev: A new attempt at a refutation of Black's system crashes dismally in this very entertaining encounter.
The position after 13 Qf2!?.
Finally, the 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav Attack:
Jackson - Tan: Yes I've been browsing the forum and have observed the comments on Nd5 always being able to draw for White in most positions.
White has just captured on f6 with his bishop and plays Nd5 next. More comments on this subject will follow so watch this space!
Well I'm finally about to play in another tournament and so hopefully I'll have some Dragon news to report back on.
Don't forget to send in any e-mails with questions etc. and that aside, see you soon.
Best wishes, Chris
To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris (for subscribers only!)