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January 2001 Update

Yugoslav 9 Bc4

Yugoslav 9 0-0-0



Happy New Year!

Plenty of excitement for you this month.

There is a in which I answer all of the mail you guys have sent to me and incidentally comment on an unusual inclusion. John Toscano sent in some home analysis on the 9 Bc4, ...Qa5 with Kb1 and h4 line. It's a lot to plough through but I thought you'd be interested in it.

Replacing h4 with the less common g4 and we have the Hastings Premier incident packed encounter Beshukov - Turner.

Moving on to 9 0-0-0 the man of the moment (again!) is good old Mr Fedorov. His motto of 'if at first you don't succeed....' has definitely paid off as he defeats both Timman (with 9...d5 10 Qe1 e5) and Adams in the same world class event (added to a draw with Shirov gave him an ultra impressive 2.5/3 with the Dragon).

Against Micky it was that ...Qb8!? move that I predicted we would surely soon see in the topical pawn grabbing line. As I write this that game has only just appeared and so the notes are brief. However no doubt we will be seeing more of it again in the not too distant future.

Staying with the same variation that 'Beating the Sicilian' man Jo Gallagher gets some revenge for White, winning a gritty encounter in the old main line.

Away from the Yugoslav, a sharp Levenfish variation proves prickly for Black whilst White gets in a tangle as I scrutinise an early Accelerated Dragon draw by repetition.

Happy readings!



New Games

Yugoslav 9 Bc4

Out of the hat That's surely where Black pulled this win. Another of those 'dubious' Dragon exchange sacrifices mysteriously comes good.

Volunteered Analysis Thanks to subscriber John Toscano who generously donates some very detailed home prep. Here it is completely unedited -- it is an attempt to revive 21...Qb7 in one of the critical lines. You can read my comments on this 9 Bc4 ...Qa5 line in the .

Yugoslav 9 0-0-0

ChORUS of approval! Mr Fedorov's Dragon comes good in an awesomely strong All-Play-All event. Jan Timman is brushed aside after amazingly opting for a idea that has long been known to be bad.

The Positional Yugoslav! A lesson to black that weaknesses can prove fatal.

Briefly hot off the press! Well at least brief notes to a game hot off the press. We will be seeing more of 14...Qb8!? (didn't I tell you so!)


The king's thing It should have been but it wasn't and it's the not bringing the king out early that is arguably to blame for Black's loss here.

Accelerated Dragon

Impressed or what? 'Or what' is most likely your answer as I scrutinize this early 3 move repetition.