What's New In January 2003
First of all a 'Happy New Year' to all my subscribers (and a belated Merry Xmas!). Hopefully some of your questions will be answered as this month comes with a Grab Bag. Keep your mail coming although I will keep an eye on the forum too in case anything pops up that I can comment on. |
To download the January '03 Dragon Sicilian games directly in PGN form click here:
Okay so we have:
The 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack that has been the subject of much of your correspondence in recent times. The game in itself is not that exciting but the annotations supplied by a generous subscriber and my subsequent comments are up for some serious debate (in the pop-up game the discussion is the main line, in the PGN file it is not).
Another variation in the hot topic of ...Qa5. Again a subscriber submission to try and remove some of the doom and gloom!
It's the good old ...Rc8 variation with 12 Kb1 but a different idea for Black. Could this be an answer to Black's prayers?
It's difficult to believe but evidently there are still good players for fall into simple traps. Check out this poor White handling of 9 0-0-0.
Continuing a good month for Black. Another 9 0-0-0 Nxd4 line effectively turns into a 9 g4 variation where again badly played, White aims for an endgame edge but soon finds himself suffering.
Finally something other than "Hurry up with your update" as the man in charge (GM Tony Kosten) provides some interesting notes to an Accelerated Dragon encounter. Thanks boss! Could you get me a non Yugoslav Dragon encounter for next time as we haven't had any of those for a while?
As promised I will be back with February's update before the end of the month.
Bye for now,
Chris Ward@ChessPublishing.com