Download PGN of January '11 Dragon Sicilian games
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Accelerated Dragadorf [B75]
Okay I haven't forgotten about interactivity with the forum and I have noted the interesting 'Challenge' that is under way. Will certainly monitor that and I was on the verge of doing something on the 'Burnett' variation, when the following upsetting encounter occurred:
Sowray - Ward: This is one of two Accelerated Dragadorf's this month which despite these results, still looks in good shape. This one deals with the challenging queenside approach with 8. a4:
Ramnath - Zhou sees White castling long early doors. Both games highlight the advantages of the Accelerated variant of the Dragadorf and in both cases Black really should have done better.
6 h3 System [B70]
Although it might look like a strange selection, I couldn't resist annotating Howell - Gormally as this 6 h3 White system (albeit strictly speaking against the Najdorf!) seems to be a bit trendy at present and possible Dragon transpositions clearly have a lot to say in its theoretical standing. Very 6 g3 like but with more attacking intent (and weaknesses!).
Old main line Classical [B73]
Gawain's first annotated game of the month is also away from the Yugoslav Attack and also with an early h3 although dress this one up as much as you want but in essence Paehtz - Cmilyte is basically the timid selection 9 h3 in the old main line Classical:
and that has never been particularly threatening.
Yugoslav Attack [B75-9]
Next up we have a 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack with 9...Nd7 and in Anderson - Llaneza Black's 14...Be6!? could be worth investigating further:
Soltis Variation [B78]
More of interest to the masses, though, might be the standard Soltis encounter of Kjurkchiiski - Perunovic. We are talking 13 Bg5 Rc5 and this one is another success for 16...Rxd5!?:
Right, we'll be back before you know it everyone.
Best wishes, Chris and Gawain
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