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Hello everybody!
A good update for Black this month, with annotating duties once again shared between Chris and Gawain, despite them being on completely different parts of the globe!

Download PGN of July '09 Dragon Sicilian games

Kicking off this update I bring you Libiszewski - Vehi Bach which is a very entertaining (and theoretically significant) Hyper-Accelerated Dragon which could easily have seen all 4 knights occupying all 4 corners of the board:

Not so much fun from my point of view is the just played Harris - Ward which highlights a downside of the Accelerated Dragadorf. It serves as a warning against playing too early a ...b5 under some circumstances and most importantly why it's not advisable to play without sleep! I didn't really deserve a draw although I actually nearly won and perhaps would have done if the arbiter hadn't helped my opponent. You're intrigued now, aren't you?

On to the Yugoslav Attack and Friedel - Robson adds further encouragement to Black in what still is still a relative sideline of the 9 0-0-0 d5 variation:

We know that Carlsen has been championing Black's cause here and the results look quite promising.

Staying with the 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav Attack and Gawain takes over with the 10 Kb1 encounter Nisipeanu - Radjabov:

It seems to me that Black has a variety of reasonable ways to meet this system as analysis on this site bears out. Still things could change.

Then it's into Classical Dragon territory with the surprising 9 Bg5 Be6 10 f4 b5! of Morozevich - Ivanchuk in which White appeared to struggle throughout and then a site debut for 10...Qc8 in Baklan - Tukhaev.

Hope you are all having a nice summer.

Best wishes from Chris (and I'm presuming Gawain!)

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