Download PGN of July '09 Dragon Sicilian games
Kicking off this update I bring you Libiszewski - Vehi Bach which is a very entertaining (and theoretically significant) Hyper-Accelerated Dragon which could easily have seen all 4 knights occupying all 4 corners of the board:
Not so much fun from my point of view is the just played Harris - Ward which highlights a downside of the Accelerated Dragadorf. It serves as a warning against playing too early a ...b5 under some circumstances and most importantly why it's not advisable to play without sleep! I didn't really deserve a draw although I actually nearly won and perhaps would have done if the arbiter hadn't helped my opponent. You're intrigued now, aren't you?
On to the Yugoslav Attack and Friedel - Robson adds further encouragement to Black in what still is still a relative sideline of the 9 0-0-0 d5 variation:
We know that Carlsen has been championing Black's cause here and the results look quite promising.
Staying with the 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav Attack and Gawain takes over with the 10 Kb1 encounter Nisipeanu - Radjabov:
It seems to me that Black has a variety of reasonable ways to meet this system as analysis on this site bears out. Still things could change.
Then it's into Classical Dragon territory with the surprising 9 Bg5 Be6 10 f4 b5! of Morozevich - Ivanchuk in which White appeared to struggle throughout and then a site debut for 10...Qc8 in Baklan - Tukhaev.
Hope you are all having a nice summer.
Best wishes from Chris (and I'm presuming Gawain!)
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