Download PGN of June '07 Dragon Sicilian games
Kononenko - Tukhaev: A debut for 6 h3 vs the normal Dragon with the intention being to employ an aggressive form of the typically dull fianchetto system:
Yes instead of g3, White goes for g4.
Swinkels - Chatalbashev: The main focus is on an impressive Black performance but the notes encompass a summary of recent developments in the Dragadorf and Accelerated Dragadorf.
Schagen - Gahir: I often include a game from what I term 'beginners corner' although I don't mean this in a disrespectful way. This encounter, which is ultimately a 9 g4 Yugoslav attack:
includes some typical White and Black mistakes to be avoided, but highlights why general chess principles are still applicable even in the Dragon!
Palac - Nikolac: An investigation into 11...a6(?!) in the 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav Attack prompted by a GM vs IM encounter:
Stripunsky - Nakamura: Worth the entry fee alone! The talented young American throws his weight behind the Dragon and destroys 9 0-0-0 in an extremely visual encounter. Could we be back on the 9...Bd7 case?
Arencibia Rodriguez-Gashimov: What many will have been waiting for. A 2600 plus player is challenged in a critical line of the 9 Bc4 Yugoslav with ...Qa5 line, and comes out on top.
Note that his opponent is no slouch either!
I'll be back in just a few days.
Bye for now. Chris
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