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Hi everyone!
Well Gawain thinks that the Dragon is looking in good shape at the moment, but let's check out some recent offerings from around the world:

Download PGN of June '10 Dragon Sicilian games

Lopez Martinez-Negi is a Classical Dragon which looks tame, but do take note because White won!

Roos - Tregubov sees revenge for Black in the castles kingside variation:

There is some token attacking on the kingside but it's a nice Black win.

Saric - Kanmazalp Over to the Yugoslav and here we have one of the 9 Bc4 lines with an early ...Nxd4:

Black certainly seems to be holding his own in these.

Volokitin - Pavlidis A new move for this site on move 19 as the debate rages on in this 9 0-0-0 d5 NO LONGER sideline.

Narayanyan - Negi Yep still 9 0-0-0 d5 but the other big alternative to the old mainline in the form of 12...Bxd4 13 Qxd4:

This is looking just fine for Black at the moment.

Krivoborodov - Kanmazalp Back to the Classical, sort of(!), as we revisit the castling queenside variation:

White wins, but not in the manner the system intends, and Black certainly has places to improve.

Bye for now,

Chris and Gawain

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