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Gee guys, last month sure was a big grab-bag and no sooner was it posted than new mail started arriving! I won't do one every month but I will generally still comply with your requests.

Download PGN of March '05 Dragon Sicilian games

For example whilst this month's updates kicks off with Goldschmidt - Naundorf: A reader submission with some comments by me.

I have also taken a look at some more recent offbeat tries in the 6 Nc2 Maroczy Bind:

Hence Disconzi - Giaccio.

Also I revisit the question posed last month by IM John Donaldson and the result being D'Auria-Da Costa.

Then staying with a Classical theme, I can't believe that we are still seeing games the likes of Sherwin - Tompson: Yes, well prepared Dragon players can almost be gifted points against higher rated opposition.

A coachee of mine tried an offbeat idea on move 6:

but it's probably fair to say that Parmar - Ward puts paid to that although I think that Black can do better.

I have actually come away to a tournament and having just had a Hyper-Accelerated Dragon game against a promising Norweigan junior I thought I might supply you with the full annotations.

So, in Hammer - Ward I followed this site's (i.e. my!) opening recommendation but as I know that some of our subscribers are also interested in endings, there are endgame notes too.

Finally, Katsuhara - Porat is a 9 Bc4 line with ...Qa5:

and I may have more to report on that soon.

Thanks to the subscriber who wrote: 'Don't mind beeing sooo late as I think you are the busyist/ how should I write this... / expert at chesspublishing!'

I have covered all that business about updates being overdue and how each update (of which there are 12 a year whenever they arrive) is generally based on recent games (except when relating to a subscriber question). Rest assured though that I get paid less when I don't get an update in 'on time' so I can guarantee that I don't do it on purpose!

Bye for now


To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris (for subscribers only!)