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Hi guys!
There was the curious suggestion on the Forum that my deciding to play the Accelerated Dragadorf reflected a 'declining faith in the main lines that he has supported in his writing and his practice in the past'!
Well maybe I will go back to my old favourite some time, and, incidentally, I have never left it against lower level opponents and some of my pupils persevere with it despite my reservations.
More to the point, I enjoy journeying through the unknown. The most obvious plus of the Dragadorf (and Accelerated Dragadorf) is that Black need not worry about whether it is going to be a 9 Bc4, 9 0-0-0 or 9 g4 Yugoslav Attack.

That said, I am still happy with the state of play regarding the 'Chinese Dragon' and I've never considered 9 g4 to be a problem. I too hope that my analysis in 9 0-0-0 Nxd4 with ...fxg6 holds up in the long run and I recall recently suggesting that the 9...d5 line with 12...Nxc3 may just be a draw if not a very exciting exercise for Black.

Download PGN of March '07 Dragon Sicilian games

Sutovsky - Gunnarsson: Emil is an absolutely fantastic player but despite this win, he didn't really prove an opening advantage against the Dragadorf.

Smirnov - Fedorov: More 'refined prophylaxis':

and later a nifty posting of the black queen on a8. I love this instructive game from a wonderful Dragon player.

Berscu - Jurkiewicz: Please, please, please any Dragon players out there, don't lose a 9 0-0-0 Nxd4 game like this again as I find it too painful to look!

Berzinsh - Jones: Gawain is clearly moving up in the world and it seems that even the quiet 'fianchetto' variation is not immune to his entertaining attacking style:

Taylor - Leanse: An unusual mate in an offbeat 'Classical' line:

Regarding subscriber submissions, I'm glad to be of service!

Shaposhnikov - Malakhov: Definite hope for Black in a Hyper-Accelerated Dragon line. Just one question: who needs rooks?

See you all soon

Regards, Chris

To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris (for subscribers only!)