Download PGN of March '08 Dragon Sicilian games
Sadatnajafi - Shanava: A familiar line in the Dragadorf but with a different outcome. It shouldn't pose a serious problem but nevertheless this is proof that Black players should beware!
Szabo - Porat: Initial investigations into the rare 'going it alone with the h-pawn' variation of the Chinese Dragon:
I have tendered some suggestions for Black and they certainly need to be given some consideration if this game is anything to go by!
Jobava - Le Quang Liem: It beats me why such a strong player would choose this lame 9 g4 Yugoslav Attack line:
but if he was hoping for a risk free edge and the chance to grind out an endgame then he couldn't have been further from the truth!
Nyzhuyk - Carlsson: It's 9 g4 again but this time a debut for 9...e5 which certainly doesn't seem to be as bad as it looks!
Indeed this anti-positional response leads to rather an interesting middlegame although the unsatisfactory (at least from a neutrals point of view) end is rather premature.
Westerinen - Chernikov: Some interesting developments in the Levenfish. I have always considered the main line to be fine for Black but it seems that a previously discarded continuation may be okay too.
Emms - Ward: A sad game in a sad tournament but all the same some exponents of the Accelerated Dragon may find this Maroczy Bind game of interest.
See you all soon. Chris
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