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What's new in May 02?

I knew I should have been a poet but instead I'm here answering your questions when in fact they are invariably such good ones that I think I should be seeking the answers from you!

All this month's new games are easily downloaded in PGN format using ChessPub.exe, open ChessPub.exe, put the date on, say, 18th June 2002, and then click on 'Dragon', over on the right. All these games should appear (and the new ChessPub Guides, too)!

Download PGN of May '02 Dragon Sicilian games

Anyway I do get a lot of queries relating to the good old 9 Bc4 Yugoslav Attack with ...Qa5 and h4 with g4. All interested parties will know what I mean because it is after all a very critical variation. On that specific subject I'll let you know when any new info arrives but in the meantime check out the Grab Bag for a couple of other letters.

Aside from the grab-bag relevant Timoshenko-Mutschnik and similarly the re-post with additional notes Efimenko-Konguvel, I have some other delights for you:

Zambrana-Pazos Gamborotti is a 9 0-0-0 Bd7 Yugoslav attack which questions whether Black can really survive in a theoretically acceptable old line.

Coleman-Mestel was nearly a main line Soltis variation but an unusual move order saw it diverted into a rarely seen continuation.

Ling-Smetana probably won't prove too relevant to anyone as Black is not rewarded for his innovative play.

Finally two Accelerated Dragons in the form of:

Korneev-Pinheiro in which the aggressive f3-avoidance line comes good again for White again and

Groetz-Plachetka where White is ultimately punished for losing a tempo early on.

June is coming soon!

Until then

