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Hi guys (and girls!?),

Am planning a big month for you in October but for now I've got 5 carefully considered submissions:

Download PGN of September '05 Dragon Sicilian games

Zorko - Velickovic: It's that annoying (for Black) Kb1 and g4 idea:

and my views on a White pawn grab as requested by a subscriber in last month's grab-bag.

Lastin - Khalifman: Could ...Qa5 be back in business:

Well one super GM possibly thinks so, or perhaps not!? We may never find out but for now enjoy this classy demonstration.

Kovacevic - Cebalo: A new idea for White in the Chinese Dragon:

Black defends adequately in this high level encounter but perhaps he could do better. Check it out!

Llaneza Vega-Moranda: This time it's a 9 0-0-0 d5 Yugoslav and a reappearance of an old line:

Based on this outing it may be a while before we see it again!

Spraggett - Felgaer: Yet another encounter in the Dragon/Najdorf hybrid but does White really have time for a3?:

Keep the mail coming. I'm going to check the forum and I'll be back with you soon.

Best wishes,


To get in touch with me, either leave a message for me on the Dragons Forum, or email me at Chris (for subscribers only!)