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Hi everyone!
Not long ago I recall a discussion taking place on the forum regarding ways in which White could try to enter an Open Sicilian in ways that might avoid the Dragon. Previously my opinion has been that it isn't really possible but something cropped up that gave me something to think about. Seeing as it is unlikely that the move order is ever likely to crop up in the 'Anti-Sicilians' section, I've kind of bent the rules a little and ventured outside of my jurisdiction.

Download PGN of September '06 Dragon Sicilian games

The first of this month's six offerings then is Eismont - Mueller: Probably an inferior 3 Bb5 Sicilian but could also possibly frustrate a Dragon player:

The other five encounters are:

Tseitlin - Khanukov: A sort of Hyper-Accelerated Dragon:

in a variation that as Black I wouldn't be overly enthusiastic about!

Galdunts - Steiner: True, White clearly outrates his opponent in this 6 Bc4 variation encounter:

but it is a good demonstration as to how things can go easily pear-shaped without due care and attention!

Khader - Kengis: Where would we be without our usual fix of the 'Dragadorf' (is that the name that was decided on; I can't remember!) variation. Yet another strong player is on the case and one that favours an early ...b5 and an early ...h5:

He does get some pieces out too though!

Perez Candelerio-Argandona: The Chinese Dragon holds firm with another strong White player no nearer to cracking its foundations here:

Spoelman - Pachta: A 9 0-0-0 d5 Yugoslav attack game in a variation that could have come from my own home preparation or from someone that pays close attention to this site:

Alternatively coincidence may have come into play but either way a theoretical success for Black.

Back real soon.

Best wishes, Chris

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