Download PGN of September '06 Dragon Sicilian games
The first of this month's six offerings then is Eismont - Mueller: Probably an inferior 3 Bb5 Sicilian but could also possibly frustrate a Dragon player:
The other five encounters are:
Tseitlin - Khanukov: A sort of Hyper-Accelerated Dragon:
in a variation that as Black I wouldn't be overly enthusiastic about!
Galdunts - Steiner: True, White clearly outrates his opponent in this 6 Bc4 variation encounter:
but it is a good demonstration as to how things can go easily pear-shaped without due care and attention!
Khader - Kengis: Where would we be without our usual fix of the 'Dragadorf' (is that the name that was decided on; I can't remember!) variation. Yet another strong player is on the case and one that favours an early ...b5 and an early ...h5:
He does get some pieces out too though!
Perez Candelerio-Argandona: The Chinese Dragon holds firm with another strong White player no nearer to cracking its foundations here:
Spoelman - Pachta: A 9 0-0-0 d5 Yugoslav attack game in a variation that could have come from my own home preparation or from someone that pays close attention to this site:
Alternatively coincidence may have come into play but either way a theoretical success for Black.
Back real soon.
Best wishes, Chris
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