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What's Hot- Apr'00

There are numerous games played each month in international tournaments and a number of surprising ideas are employed. In this column each month I intend to highlight a game that has a lot of practical value and is a useful ploy to win games or just add a new twist to an old line.

Novelty of the month

The novelty of the month is the game Dunnington - Williams where Black plays an outrageous opening idea and gets away with it. The game came alive after a handful of moves upon 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 c3 Nf6 4 Be2 and now Williams produced the novelty 4…g5!?

That stunned the highly respected IM Dunnington who conceded too much time on the clock and led directly to his downfall.

I have had a lot of e-mails concerning the c3 Sicilian and this has prompted me to annotate a game from the recent Portuguese Championship, Rocha - Galego. After 1 e4 c5 2 c3 Nf6 Black enters one of the main lines where White has the option of sacrificing a pawn for a scintillating attack.

The game Schmittdiel - Baerner is a fine example of how White can take advantage of an early error by Black to achieve a winning position after just sixteen moves.

If Black is starting to think that he should resign after 2 c3 then it will be fun playing through the game Beltran - Ayza Ballester. White goes for an instant kingside attack and when he fails to deliver mate the position falls apart.

If anyone else has the courage to copy the novelty of the month then I will certainly keep you informed!

The Swashbuckling Wing Gambit