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Hello guys. This month I had many games to choose from, but I decided to show you some games with nice combinations that I hope you will enjoy. We got a couple of Alekhines, a few Pircs and many Caros. I am pleased that recently more and more people go for the setup with c4 in the advanced lines, which I used for many years. In the Pirc it seems that Black is fine in some sharp lines even if it initially looks like White has something. Just by controlling all the important squares Black is not allowing much and Whites initiative is often stopped.

Download PGN of August ’24 1 e4 ... games

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Alekhine’s Defence 4.Nf3 dxe5 5.Nxe5 c6 6.Bc4 [B04]

In the game Yu, Y - Akhmedinov, S it was an Alekhine's Defence with 4...dxe5. Both players were deviating from the main lines and after Black went for 7...g6 it was a mix of a few openings:

Both sides developed normally and later White managed to create problems for the black light-squared bishop. Black was forced to defend and became passive. When he tried to get rid of one of the annoying Knights White switched to genius mode with a few spectacular combinations in a row starting with 20.Nxg6!. A very nice attacking game from White.

Alekhine’s Defence 4.Nf3 dxe5 5.Nxe5 c6 6.c4 [B04]

Macias, D - Ivanchuk, V was in the same variation but White went for the 6.c4 line:

Black didn’t have any issues in the opening and even quickly tried to take the initiative with 12...b5. He could have get a slight edge but traded his bishop and only achieved an equal game, White played well and in the end it was a fair draw.

Modern Defence 4.Be3 a6 5.h4 h5 [B06]

Cori, M - Almeida, O was in the Modern defence with 5.h4 and White allowed the trade 7...Bxh3:

Normally Black gets a good game after this but instead of developing he decided to trade the other bishop which allowed White to get an edge. Later White decided to give a pawn to open the game and after Black missed the best defence White found a nice idea with 27.g4 to win material and, shortly, the game.

Pirc Defence 4.Be3 Nf6 5.Qd2 c6 6.Bh6 [B07]

Gopal, G - Boyer, M was in the Pirc where White quickly goes 6.Bh6 and Black preferred to make a very solid setup in the centre while his King didn't castle for a long time. White inflicted damage on himself by suddenly exposing his king allowing 17...Nxb2!:

He then moved his King back to the kingside where he was safe until the new combination 27...Bxg4. White also survived that but the third one 31...Bxf3 was too much and Black won the endgame.

Caro-Kann, Gurgenidze 3...c6 4.Be3 d5 5.e5 n5 [B15]

Durarbaily, V - Bortnyk, O was the Gurgenidze, a hybrid system of Modern and Caro-Kann. White went for the system with 7 Qd2 allowing Black to trade the bishop:

Black played a bit carelessly, allowing 13.f5 when his King was exposed. Later White found a great combination with 21.Rxf7 and managed to create an unstoppable attack.

Caro-Kann Advance, Short Variation 5...Nd7 6.0-0 a5 7.c4 [B12]

The next game, between Ilampathi, A - Kazakouski, V, was in the Short Variation of the Caro-Kann. For only a few moves the game went out of theory a bit after 7.c4 but the position was still quite standard:

Both sides were developing and the game was about equal. White was probably not feeling confident long term and he found a very nice combination to force a perpetual and draw.

Caro-Kann Advance 4.c4 e6 5.Nc3 Ne7 [B12]

Lupulescu, C - Li, G was in the advanced line in the Caro-Kann with an early 4.c4. Soon, after 7...g5, the game was also out of the book:

White found a very nice setup allowing him to develop and support the centre. Black decided to castle long which allowed White to create a fast attack against his King. Black could not defend well and White managed to open files and diagonals and won the game.

Caro-Kann 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 e5 4.Ngf3 Bd6 5.d4 [B10]

Safarli, E - Karthik, R was in the Caro-Kann with 3.d3. Black decided to give a pawn to get the pair of bishops and some compensation with 8...Nc5:

In the middlegame White managed to win a second pawn and soon a piece, and then he easily won the game.

Till next month, Marian

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