About the Authors:
GM Milos Pavlovic
Milos also coached many strong individuals, most notably GMs like Jovanka Houska, Gawain Jones, Borki Predojevic, Jovana Vojinovic and Natasa Bojkovic, just to name few from the last 5-6 years. Besides that he was second to GM Kotronias, and also worked with GM Halkias Steilos, and so on.
He has also written three books for elite publishers Everyman Chess and Quality Chess:
1) Fighting the Ruy Lopez, Everyman chess 2009
2) Cutting Edge Open Sicilian 1, Quality Chess 2010
3) Cutting Edge Sicilian Najdorf 8.Be3, Quality Chess 2011
GM Gawain Jones
Gawain Jones is an English Grandmaster who has been playing chess since he was 4 and gained his GM title in 2007. He has represented England in countless World Youths, the 2007 European Teams Championship (Board 2) and in the 2008 Dresden Olympiad (Board 4 - including a notable draw with GM Alexander Morozevich, then rated number two in the world).
Last year he came 1st= in Doeberl, the Sydney International Open and outright first in the Gold Coast Open, the Waitakere Open and the George Trundle Masters.
Gawain is known for his aggressive style and his expertise in the Grand Prix attack/Dragon and Benko. He has written Starting Out: Grand Prix Attack and co-authored Dangerous Weapons: The Benko and Benoni.
John Watson
Hi, I'm John Watson and I'm not a GM, unlike most of the others on this site. I started chess a bit late at age 13 and, true to my later experiences, I learned from books. They were in fact reasonably advanced books - I never read a beginner's book - and after one year I walked into the Omaha, Nebraska chess club and beat most everyone there!
After one tournament my first U.S.C.F. rating was over 2100 and it stayed about there or above from then on. The few dedicated chess players in Omaha had access to just a few regional tournaments a year, so we didn't improve much. But I got lucky and took first place at the initial U.S. National High School Championship. I knew absolutely nothing and relied upon totally unsound tactics to win. Maybe there's a lesson in that: Now I play soundly and lose.
I went to Harvard for a couple of years, traveled a lot in strange lands doing odd jobs (sometimes hustling chess), and returned to do some full time work in two factories.
I began to play more chess and had some successes. My greatest triumph in that time period was the release of Chessman Comics, co-produced by Chris Hendrickson and self-published at the local copy shop. We ran a business called the Chess House that attracted a number of nice people and a much larger number of mentally disturbed ones!
I spent a few years working to become an International Master and wrote my first books (on the English Opening!!) in 1979. As of this date I've written 22 wildly popular books, the majority of which went out of print in less than a year. I've saved a copy of each...I think.
In 1988 I managed to complete a degree with honours in Electrical Engineering at the University of California in San Diego and spent five mostly forgettable years working as a Design Engineer specializing in communications algorithms. Upon reviving, I ran away and wrote some more chess books, this time for firms that have fortunately stayed afloat. I've also written many articles and had a bundle of students over the past 30 years.
My real interests include my wife, politics, socioeconomic issues, music, eating, sleeping, literature, and my dog (sometimes).
Jonathan Rowson
Jonathan Rowson became Scotland's third Grandmaster in 1999 a month after graduating with a first class degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University.
He writes a regular review column for New in Chess Magazine called 'Rowson's Reviews' and his second and third chess books, The Seven Deadly Chess Sins and Chess for Zebras, have been internationally acclaimed and translated into several languages.
In 2004 he won the prestigious Hastings Premier and The British Championship- the first Scot to do so for 58 years! He has since won it a further two times making that three in a row! He currently lives in London as a semi-professional player, teacher and writer. He is also a doctoral student in Psychology and Education at Bristol University.
Andrew Martin
Andy moved from the KID in October 2002
Playing Titles:
International Master
FIDE Master
British Master
Current ELO 2446
Author of numerous books, articles and videos on the game including Winning with the King's Indian, Secret Weapons and the Contemporary Anti-Dutch. Currently Regular Columnist to CHESS Magazine.
Professional Chess Coach- currently Chief Coach to the English Junior Squad. Trainer of 4 previous and current Junior World Champions as well as a battery of National Junior Champions. Teaches Chess in seven separate Schools- very interested in developing this side of the game.
Commentator at several World Championship matches and the British Championship.
Winner of numerous International and National Open Tournaments. 1st GM Norm at the British Championship, Brighton 1997.
Favours original and creative play.
42 years old- Married with 4 young children. Life is hectic!
About GM Nigel Davies
Here we see Nige in typical jovial mood. He hopes to bring his renowned inventiveness to this portion of ChessPublishing.com!
Nigel won the British U21 Championship in 1979 and the British Open quickplay championship in 1988. He obtained the GM title in 1993. He has extensive experience in the Pirc/Modern Defence (including wins over Anand and Larsen with the latter), and has also played these systems with colours reversed, to great effect.
Nigel is well-known for his ability as a trainer, and is currently writing a book on Alekhine's Defence.
Nigel writes: "between writing updates I can often be found in the pubs in Southport, and I have a dog called 'Nimzo'"!