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Noteboom Special

The Noteboom variation occupies a special place in my chess life; no question, it's one of my all time favourites, and I would particularly like to recommend this fantastic variation to you.

Recently I have been working on a huge book about it where all the details will be explained (it's planned to be issued as a NIC CD-ROM).


Time to reveal secrets

Until now, I never annotated any of my games in Chess Informant or New. But now it`s time to reveal my secrets. I think the ideas of this variation are quite comprehensible not only for professionals but for any chess lovers, and if the number of adherents is increased I'll be happy.

How it all began

My acquaintance with the Noteboom began in 1986, when playing with white. I lost a very important game while lightly chuckling at black's play, and thinking I was winning till my position suddenly became hopeless. Soon afterwards at GM Panchenko's school a consultation game was played. I was in white's camp and the sensations were similar - a huge advantage for white but somehow a loss...

Wild child system

To read on, or just to find out more about one of the wildest variations in all chess, just download the Slav eBook from the eBooks Download Page.