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The September update is a bit smaller - I have been very busy preparing The Indian women's team for the forthcoming Olympiad. I have decided to look at some very recent ideas in various lines.

Download PGN of September '04 1 d4 d5 games

Chebanenko System [D10 & D15]

Dreev,A - Ni Hua: Alexei Dreev came up with an unusual approach and confidently outplayed his opponent by penetrating with his major pieces along the a-file. Black could play better in the early stages but White's idea to play c4-c5 only after ...b7-b5 certainly deserves more attention.

Gyimesi, Z - Movsesian, S: You may remember we considered two rather painful defeats Sergei Movsesian suffered in the recent World Championship in this deep and principled line. Here he came up with a slight but important innovation on move 23 and confidently avoided unnecessary problems. It seems that White can still prove a slight edge in this line, for example, by playing Krishnan Sasikiran's recommendation on move 20 but anyway Black is probably satisfied with his position. Perhaps White should look for something more convincing?! Let's wait to see some future battles...

Main line Slav [D16-D19]

Jobava, B - Kulaots, K: Baadur Jobava came up with a surprising attempt to refute Morozevich's 11... g5:

and it seems that White can really secure the better chances! Yet, let's wait for future encounters before coming to more precise conclusions...

Ftacnik, L - Sundararajan, K: White is still trying to put problems before Morozevich's 11...g5 by placing his knight on f5. However, Black is doing well - here Sundararajan Kidambi came up with an improvement over the game P.H.Nielsen - Shirov/GER-chT 2004 and achieved good counter chances.

Marshall Gambit

Kobalia, M - Sveshnikov, E: Evgeny Sveshnikov introduced a new idea which should never be repeated - White's energetic play proved that it loses almost by force!

Grigoriants, S - Potkin, V: Vladimir Potkin introduced an improvement, which I already suggested in the comments to the game Mamedyarov - D.Schneider/WCh U20 Nakhichevan 2003, and conclusively solved all the problems. It seems that Black can defend in this sharp line - the ball is on White's side now.

Kanep, M - Smirnov, P: Here Black sacrificed his extra pawn back and eventually outplayed his opponent but perhaps it was more promising to keep the material advantage. In any case White's idea not to give the Qd8-check deserves more attention as recently Black is holding on there...

Meran Defence [D47-49]

Donaldson, J - Bhat, V: John Donaldson has recently played a fairly interesting and important game in the deep line. Moreover, here I would like to thank John very much as he has kindly sent me his thorough analysis so I couldn't resist sharing all the ideas with you. His opponent, Vinay Bhat, used my recommendation 20...Rh8-g8!:

, getting the K-side rook into play as quickly as possible - this improvement over the game Sasikiran - Karjakin/Canarias en Red blitz KO Final 2004 promises good play for Black. Yet perhaps White can still find something - I tried to extend John's analysis and would like to draw your attention to the final position of the line 24. Qd3!, which seems playable for White. Otherwise White should look for another way, for example, 18. a4!? in Milov - Borovikov/ Dos Hermanas 2004 is still interesting...

Till next month!



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