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June '00 Update


Colle System


Torre Attack


An unusual d-pawn Special


AS156 The Bh4 Tromp leads this month's discussion. This line makes a lot of sense, as the pin on the e7 pawn can be quite annoying for Black, although, despite this, it has always been regarded with some scepticism. However, the fact that many strong players still wheel it out gives the variation some respectability.

AS157 Another Bh4 Tromp leads to a seemingly equal middlegame. Black is lulled into a false sense of security and after a few inaccurate moves, finds himself in a horrible lost endgame.

AS158 White sharpens the struggle right from the start in the following game. On current evidence, the Bh4 Tromp where Black plays 3...d5 just looks good for White.


Colle System


Torre Attack


An unusual d-pawn Special

Colle System

AS162: An important new idea White had clearly been doing his homework in the ensuing game. Until this game, this line was considered, at best, innocuous.

AS163 Colle System players need to become experts on how to attack with an isolated Queen's pawn. Here White, in text book fashion, demonstrates all the positive features of this structure to obliterate his opponent.

AS164 White eshews the opportuntity to reach a favourable IQP position, gives up the center and finds it is Black who wields the big stick.


Colle System


Torre Attack


An unusual d-pawn Special


AS159 The solid 2...c6 continues to be the most popular way to meet the Pseudo-Tromp. As the natural plan for White is to expand on the queenside, you would think (quite rightly) that it would be suicidal to castle on that side. That didn't stop White in this game and he paid the ultimate price.


Colle System


Torre Attack


An unusual d-pawn Special

Torre Attack

AS160: The Bunker There are some people who just refuse to come out and fight fairly! In the following game, Black curls up into a ball, waits for White to attack prematurely and then bang! it's all over. A word of warning for us all.


AS161 One of White's main ideas in the Veresov is to damage Black's kingside structure with an early Bxf6. Black in the next game adopts a policy of if you can't beat them join them and by crippling White's queenside structure, gives himself excellent counter chances. White should have known better.

An Unusual d-pawn Special

AS165 In the following d-pawn special, White bravely takes his opponent out of the book on move 2 and soon cashes in with some very creative play.


Colle System


Torre Attack


An unusual d-pawn Special