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It's always a good idea to change from time to time and so I was delighted when Eric once again suggested a 'site swap' for a month - Eric will be doing a Centre Counter special for me next month.
You will doubtless be used to Eric's 'concentrated 'approach to chess analysis, but I offer something a little different, dipping in to a wide range of queen pawn openings and pulling out a few interesting games.

Download PGN of September '06 d-Pawn Specials games

Trompowsky [A45]

Fascinating is Van Ruitenburg-Overeem where White makes an attempt to rehabilitate 2...Ne4 3 Bh4 in the Tromp with Bellon's 7 Nd2!?, offering one of the doubled e-pawns:

White wins crushingly, so perhaps this is worth more than a passing glance.

McShane - Gordon is another Tromp, this time with my favourite 2...e6! and Black gets a thoroughly good game despite all White's best efforts. 9...Bb4! is an excellent idea:

Full notes here.

Other d-Pawns [A45-6]

Kozel - Matjushin is a complete investigation on its own, into the murky gambit 1 d4 Nf6 2 g4!?:

Some eye-opening chess to be found here!

Next, Klauser - Roiz and 3 c3!?:

This will not win any prizes for excitement, but it is unusual, I think you will admit. I was intrigued by the finish, perhaps a reader can shed some light on it?

London System [D01]

On then to the London Sysyem and Dgebuadze - Gormally is another outing for 7...Be6! , which is just a good line for Black as far as I can see:

King's Indian and Grunfeld players need look no further.

Blackmar-Diemer [D00]

Schulz Streek-Wrage is the obligatory Blackmar-Diemer with 5...Bg4!:

Of course White loses.

Barry Attack [D00]

Hebden - Van der Wiede features the Barry Attack, with Hebden's refinement 5 Qd2!?. However, after 8...Nd7:

White has nothing.

Colle System [D01]

And finally a Colle in Volkov - Peek, where White demonstrates that the quiet Queen's Pawn often contains more than just a drop of poison with 12 g4!:

Soon winning the e4-pawn!

I hope you have enjoyed this interlude; pleased to be of service. Andrew