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July 2003

Hi everyone,

Yes, I'm late again. Sorry, but I've been away playing in three tournaments and then I needed a few days without looking at any chess to recover. I suppose the tournaments went quite well as I only lost one game but I certainly have a few regrets about not winning a good position with White against Kunte in the last round of the British Championship which would have enabled me to tie for 1st place.


To download the July '03 KI games directly in PGN form, click here: Download Games

This month we kick off, just for a change, with a couple of heavyweight Classicals:

In Vera - Nataf the two players followed a game they played last year until Nataf's improvement 18...Bd7. Black went on to win in convincing fashion.

In Granda - Sharavdorj we take a look at a fashionable line in the Bayonet. Black has been very successful in meeting 13 Qb3 with 13...h6 but there is hope for White in the notes.

In Wells - Hunt, Black produced a novelty, 16...Qc6, in one of the main lines of the Na6 Classical, which is unlikely to be seen again. Especially as the old move 16...Nb8 looks quite reliable.

There are also a couple of games which explore the 7...Ng4 line of the Gligoric:

In Shulman - Crosa Black was punished for his tactical error 17...c6?, while don't miss the disastrous performance from Judith Polgar in the notes.

I enjoyed Black's play in Gustafsson - Maiwald as he didn't make a single backwards move for 26 moves!

Next up in Epishin - Nanu we take a look at the line with 4...0-0 followed by ...c6 and ...d5.

Here too Black was severely dealt with after he played an unnecessary novelty.

See you next month... which will arrive very quickly!

Joe Gallagher

Any queries or comments to the KID Forum, or to me directly at would be most welcome.