Download PGN of June '15 KID games
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Fianchetto Panno Variation 8.Bf4 Bd7 [E63]
Firstly, I decided to include my recent game with Black against Batsiashvili at the European Championship, Chavki, where, after the fashionable 8. Bf4 I chose the setup with 8...Bd7 and in reply to the further 9. Rc1 I played 9...Re8, which is quite rare:
Black's idea is to play the thematic ...e5, of course, see Batsiashvili - Sandu.
Fianchetto Panno Variation 8.b3 [E63]
In the second game, Bachmann - Perez Ponsa, White demonstrated some problems for Black in the 8. b3 line:
when after 9. Nd5 e6 White's queenside attack seemed to develop quicker than Black's kingside one.
Four Pawns Attack ...c5, 8.dxe6 fxe6 9.Bd3 [E76]
In Turov - Hillarp Persson I have examined a less common move played by Tiger, when after 8. dxe6 fxe6 9. Bd3 he tried 9...Nh5!?, hitting f4:
he got an interesting position, and actually went on to win quickly with Black against Turov.
Four Pawns Attack 6...Na6 7.Bd3 e5 [E76]
The fourth and fifth games are about Black's options after 6...Na6 7. Bd3 e5 8. fxe5 dxe5 9. d5:
In Gomez - Kulkarni Black played the most popular move 9...c6, followed by 10...cxd5 and 11...Bd7 and achieved a playable position.
While Swapnil - Kovalev saw another plan, featuring ...c5 and ...Ne8-d6 with a nice blockading knight.
Classical 6...Bg4!? [E91]
In the sixth game, Lenderman - Matamoros Black avoided the main classical lines with 6...Bg4!?:
and after 7. Be3 Nfd7 8. Rc1 e5 9. d5 a5 10. h3 White got a slight advantage (the bishop pair), but the position is quite tricky and Black won quickly.
Classical - 7...Nc6 Kortchnoi's 9.a4 [E97]
And finally, a very recent game from the National French Team (Top 12) saw Wojtaszek employing Kortchnoi's plan (9. a4) versus Maze:
White later played f4, exchanged dark-squared bishops and won in a very convincing style, see Wojtaszek - Maze.
David will be back soon, Mihaela
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