Download PGN of November '04 KID games
Classical: The Bayonet attack
I believe it won't be a surprise for you that most of the games feature the Classical system.
Let me start with the game Wells, P - Nijboer, F, which featured a rare idea of Kramnik's, namely 15.a4:
In this position Nijboer suddenly deviates from Smirin's 15...Bh6, which gave the latter a victory over Kramnik, and played 15...fxe4. White obtained a slightly better position, which however proved to be not enough for a win. It would be interesting to see a refutation of Smirin's idea, which is not evident.
Our second game in the Bayonet attack is Lautier, J - Ivanchuk, V which featured 13.b5. I believe this line promises no advantage for white, but if you're looking for a safe draw- you're set.
The key-position arises after 16.dxe6:
Now Black has a choice between a slightly inferior endgame after 16...fxe4 and the aggressive 16...Rc8! which, I believe, is even stronger. Ivanchuk chose the former and didn't have too many problems to equalize.
The game Volokitin, A - Nataf, IA saw another relatively uncommon idea 13. Qb3, however I believe that this line is better:
As he plays the KID as Black Andrei knows where the weak points are and, as the current game shows, he knows how to hit them heavily. On the 16th move Volokitin plays the novelty 16.b5 and sets a number of an unpleasant problems which Black failed to solve. The pawn sacrifice by means of 22...Nc7 deserved serious attention. This line requires further tests.
Classical: The Gligoric-Taimanov system
The only game in this line which attracted my attention was the game Onischuk, A - Ivanchuk, V. Two Ukrainian team members met on the first board although the former was representing the USA for the first time. After some manoeuvres the following position arose:
Both sides occupy nice squares in the centre with their knights and soon a draw was agreed in a position of dynamic equality. Probably 13.Rb1 has to be preferred.
Classical: The Orthodox Variation with 7...Na6
The game Kaidanov, G - Arizmendi, M sees a nice idea in the 10.Bc1-line (instead of the more popular 10.Bh4):
In the diagram position White played 14.b4! with the idea to meet 14...exd4 15.Nd5 c6 with 16.b5!, and later wins the game in good style by a direct attack.
Black has to look for an improvement in the early part of the game. For example, 10...Kh8 deserves further tests.
Classical: The side line with 6...Bg4
The game Avrukh, B - Guseinov, G features a side line with ...Bg4. As usual in these positions one inaccuracy leads to a quick disaster. That's what happened in the current game.
On the 10th move Boris introduced an interesting novelty, reached the position of the diagram after a pawn sacrifice in the centre, and finished the game in good style by 19.d6! when Black's position collapsed. A nice performance by the fourth board of the Israeli team.
As usually this opening features a game from Alexey Dreev.
In the diagram position White came with a new idea, 17.Nf2. Probably Nataf's shock was too strong and he went wrong immediately as 17...Ne5?! led to a position with a clear advantage for White and only Dreev's inaccuracies and tough defense from the Frenchman allowed Black to escape with a draw. 17...f4! is necessary. I hope we'll soon see a discussion in this direction.
Fianchetto variation
Our last game in this update is Barsov, A - Fedorov, A.
Barsov surprised his opponent with the rare line 9.b3. Up to move 16.Nb4 the players followed the rapid chess game Tregubov, P - Tkachiev, V/World Cup 2000. Fedorov deviated first and already on the next move erred seriously and lost a pawn. The rest was a one man show. A nice win by Barsov! I believe Black has either to repeat Tkachiev's play in his game vs Tregubov or to play 17...Qe7 instead of 17...Qb6?
Enjoy the games! See you in December.
Don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions with me. Any queries or comments to the KID Forum, or to me directly at (subscribers only) would be most welcome.