September 2003
Welcome to the September update. Yes, it's finally arrived! My apologies once again for being so late but I promise to bring you the October update very soon (probably early next week). |
To download the September '03 KI games directly in PGN form, click here:
We kick of this month with the fashionable 7...Na6 variation of the Classical and the superb Grooten - Motylev game where the young Russian wiped out some unhappy memories in this variation with the stunning 30...Rd3!!
The King's Indian is an opening that Black must play with energy. In Shariyazdanov - Mohr Black brought only lethargy to the game. But White certainly finished him off in style.
In Johannessen - Vouldis we take another look at the sharp 10 Be3 variation of the 7...Nc6 Classical:
Black suffered throughout until White blew it all with one horrible blunder.
Radjabov remains one of the King's Indian's main stars and in Plovdiv he neutralised a Gelfand novelty with ease, see Game 4.
Kachiesvilli had a rough time in Greece against the King's Indian losing two games in the 6 h3 variation against the same interesting Black plan.
The main feature is Kachieshvili - Bologan.
In Belozerov - Poldauf we take another look at a line in the 4 Pawns Attack that we examined recently.
In Nikolic - Bologan, White, true to style, chose an extremely quiet variation of the Panno and gradually outplayed his illustrious (at least after Dortmund this year) opponent.
Finally in Stocek - Gallagher we can see just how harmless the double fianchetto variation really is.
Enjoy the issue and feel free to drop me an e-mail if there are any specific variations or games that you would like to be examined in future updates.
Until next week!
Joe Gallagher
Any queries or comments to the KID Forum, or to me directly at would be most welcome.